“It's the representation for me!!!
Just seeing the confidence of Brown boys and girls embracing their naturally textured hair 🙌🏾, thinking of how much they won't have to unlearn to feel accepted, just makes my heart happy!! We need to see us in all hair colors and textures being who we are naturally, that's what I love about FroGang 💙.” -Aquene Watkins-Wise
"We showed our daughter your pictures of you and your organization.she wants to be in ASAP. I love it. It's so dope that we have something like that in our city".- Darnell Barron
“My daughter cut her hair off a few months ago and i showed her all the women and littel girls on your Frogang Foundation page who embrace her natural beauty and she loved it! It gave her much more confidence and she's been maintaining her own cute little style just as care free!"
"She says you're her SHEro for girls" -Brandi Blackman
“I cant wait to get my daughter invovled in Frogang Foundations Successful Sister Sessions! I love what you are doing for the youth and the culture.-Raquel Kane